Edith Ann Moore

After marrying her high school sweetheart in 1965, Edith moved to be with her new husband in Memphis, TN. She went to work at IBM, and worked her way thru the ranks until retiring in 2001. She has 2 daughters, 2 grandsons, 2 great granddaughters and 1 granddog. Although she has a full life, Mrs. […]

Lee Eric Smith, Sr.

Lee Eric Smith is the co-founder of Abundant Earth Global CDC, a Memphis-based nonprofit aimed at combining people development, eco-friendly home construction, urban farming and waste-to-energy production to transform neighborhoods.

Ester B Moore

Since childhood, Ester B. Moore has been a servant in her community. She went everywhere with her mother, a minister, activist and community leader. This is when Ester began to cultivate her own love for community.